So you increase the potency in men after 60 years – means

The Libido is the possibility of arousal/orgasm and their brightness is dependent on the hormone levels. If it is dulled imbalances in sexual activity. The potency in men in 60 years, lower than in the youth, and the cause is the age. The older the person gets, the weaker he is in bed.

The causes of age-related helplessness

The causes of age-related helplessness

In the active reproductive age in the body of men additional "hormone inhibin V. manufactures" Its task is the growth of sperm. He works in a pair with a stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing (LH) hormones. With the years, the production of Inhibin In and after the menopause increase can be reduced, and it is set to "no".

To compensate for the level of the hormones FSH and LH increases. As a result of the background in men changes. In the youth you have in the blood dominated dihydro testosterone is the active testosterone in relation to the wishes and possibilities of reproduction. Age-related decline in the synthesis of Inhibin In continuing its focus in the direction of reducing the production of testosterone. Yes, and in his more "active" Form, he starts slower, respectively, the potency wanes.

Strengthen the potency in men after 60 years

In advance to predict the effectiveness of the measures to stimulate the Libido in men over 60 years is possible. The amplification of the Libido here is depending on the severity of age-related changes in hormone levels, the condition of the circulatory System, and other "properties" of biological age – not "Pass".

But in most cases, the prognosis for the increase of male potency is effective. In any case, if one of the patients, the diagnosis older than 60 years without "aggravating" – Prostatitis, adenoma, interventions on the genitals, children abnormalities (cryptorchidism, hydrocele), atherosclerosis 2 levels higher.


The increase in the potency in men after 60 years, requires, first, the level of active testosterone (most doctors) claims. The truth is, after the cancellation of hormonal preparations disappear, and with their help results. Plus, excess of sex hormones in the blood of men and post-menopausal age is associated with a heart attack, stroke, cancer or one of the producing endocrine glands (prostate, testes, adrenals).

Among Steroid a means to increase the potency of the most famous testosterone enanthate. The solution for intramuscular injection, is used to 50 mg, once every 14 days. Possible and the circuit is 200 mg per month, but it is often for men up to 60 years. Among the other price solutions values and available:

  • Antispasmodics. The only condition – the need for, type it directly in the tissue of the Penis half hour before sexual activity. The point is that it vessels are relaxed feeding member of the blood and promotes the erection;
  • adrenoblokatora – is one of the most well-known and completely natural. This Alkaloid also causes vessels to relaxation of the peripheral blood. Drink 2-2,5 milligrams three times per day, with food;
  • Medicines for depression. Recommended for use on 30 mg once a day, an hour or three to have Sex. To increase the possibility to artificially raise the levels of free Serotonin and prolong erection arousal (0.15 grams per day, but in 2 divided doses, where the largest part of drunk to go to the front of the sleep, and only 1/3 – morning).

Compared to pharmaceuticals, herbal remedies have fewer side effects, better in combination with alcoholic beverages, without which no cost, not a romantic meeting. In Your List:

  • natural resources in drops from aphrodisiacs and stimulants of potency, open healers from different countries. In the composition of the fruit of the African Ginkgo Biloba, Maca, Peruvian and Chinese Ginseng are popular in the middle East, fucus,. Can be combined with alcohol. The drug dripping with 7-8 drops under the tongue morning and evening with all sorts of drinks, at its sole discretion. In General, the increase of a potentiality will take a few weeks to a month;
  • preformed preparation on the basis of elatively. It contains extracts of Damiana, wheat germ, Poria coconut, dwarf Lily, and sassaparila. The tablets should drink in 1 or 2 capsules per day, after meals, 30 days. Unique taking a double dose enhances the potency already after 15-20 minutes;
  • Means of capsules for the enhancement of the potency with an unusually diverse composition. Among the non-herbal components it contains antlers of Maral, turpentine, Propolis and cedar. Herbal part of the drug to increase the potency represented lovage, nettle, Orchid, Zhgun-radix (fruit), guarana, qui mulieres in management anavar, red root. Men older than 60 years Schema of the intake of 1 capsule in the morning and in the evening is recommended, 5-7 days in a row. Then better take a break for a week and repeat.

Folk Remedies

The differences between the use of pharmacists developed a food Supplement and means of alternative medicine lie in the exact selection of certain components. In this case, science has borrowed a number of finds in the area of medical men. Only physicians, in contrast to the doctors, the more tend to the so-called adaptogens.

Folk remedies of plant, animal and mineral origin that will increase the General vitality and immune defense. The official medicine believes that the effect of such means unpredictable, but Folk fully familiar to you.

Folk Remedies
  1. Echinacea Purpurea. 50 G of its roots mixed with 20 G of seeds of Echinops and 60 G aruda. Everything together with the pestle pounded or crushed in a blender, pour 1 tbsp. L. basis of the received 250 ml of vodka. A ground glass stopper and leave for a few weeks in a dark, warm corner, periodically shaking. After the completion of the funds, for Information, to Filter and drink: 10 drops, diluted in water, half an hour before the meal, in the course of 25 to 30 days.
  2. Parsnips, dandelion and nettle also for increased potency. For the preparation of the drug is 50 G root of the parsnip are to be washed well and shredded, and mixed with 100 G of young leaves of nettle and dandelion. This "salad" you can season with oil and vinegar, and moderate salt. Food should weeks on 250 to 300 G per day, for any number of receptions, up to 2. It is advisable to have a small break.
  3. Wolf's milk. Its root particles, is 10 G, and insist week in 0.5 liters of vodka. Miss raw materials pass through a sieve and take with the aim of strengthening the attraction of a teaspoon (up to dissolve in water) in the morning, at noon and in the evening. General Course – 14 Days.

Other methods and tips

In the case of the ingestion of natural, synthetic, hormonal and other means to increase potency, there is always an Alternative. Physiotherapy do not lose their relevance and effectiveness in 20 or 60 years, and have no contraindications, except for acute conditions, if you are in need of immediate aid. The body of old men respond to the physical therapy even more than young people, the positive changes in them noticeably brighter.

  1. Physical Exercise. The activity is useful at any age, but in older people, if the processes in the body slows down, the effect is felt better. The most useful of the gymnastic exercises for the normalization of erectile function bend: the knee (if not the normal force, with at least knee-length), methodology, cones, jump rope, rhythmic rotation of the pelvis.
  2. Massage. Suit Classic (back, testes, Penis) and exotic varieties (Thai, thuine, etc.). In old age, when the congestion in the basin develop due to the aging of the joints and muscles, massage therapist worth a visit at least once per week. This will generally improve the health, increase the desire for Sex, and Organ in the pelvis to get started.
  3. Leech therapy. The saliva of leeches of all kinds, including medical, contains hirudin – protivosvertawati enzyme slightly weaker Heparin. Treatment of them makes the blood more fluid, helps to restore to get erection and to prevent cardiovascular complications during Sex. Even leeches are difficult to be treated and harmful – this should only girudoterapevt with the participation.

After 60 years, for all the people the typical symptoms of Prostatitis. You can be visible, more or less, but it is always there. This disease is dangerous the complications of the urinary tract due to excretion of impurities on the System. In addition, it is the Libido and hormones is reduced to deteriorate.

The strengthening of the potency after 60 years, can fulfil the request of every morning following manipulations:

  • sit with legs outstretched on the floor, on the walls, place the hands behind the head (which it is difficult – you cross on the chest) and crawl costs just buttocks and legs up to the opposite wall. Repeat twice more and more (depending on distance);
  • when urinating try to stop the flow of urine tension of the pelvic floor muscles. Repeat 2-3 times for a bowel movement (and so at least once a day for two-three months).

You can also buy and use the device for up to three days in the week, a special massage to massage the prostate.


Age-related to prevent changes in the "work" of the Penis is impossible, and to stop – to not only control that you have minimal influence on the personal life. Men, the youth, to preserve the reproductive system to old age, it is enough to take care of their health during adolescence:

  • avoid threatening infection of intimate relationships;
  • don't practice "Sex-marathon" with multiple partners or a, but the whole night without a break;
  • not Perreux-cooling genitals:
  • not to isolate you on the dimensions (this leads to infertility);
  • protect you lift the area of the scrotum from injury, including excessive increase of weight.

I can fully re-erection in 60 years?

After the menopause in both sexes, the way in bed irreversibly narrowed. But it is not always bad. Sexual intercourse is a great strain on the heart and blood vessels. For 50 years, their ageing cosmic speed, and to 60 the Sex, "as youth" can be reached at the end of a heart attack/stroke. Described In the article of tips to help restore normal sex life (2 to 4 sexual acts per month), which is more than enough at this age. Full (100%) again potency not work.